Thursday, May 30, 2024

bbin ROTC members honored for unit performance, commitment to community

bbin ROTC members honored for unit performance, commitment to community

2023年3月16日 -航空大学授予bbin空军后备军官训练营842支队多项荣誉,以表彰其在2022年取得的成就. The leading agent in professional Air Force education, 航空大学 recognizes the top detachments in the nation each year.

The bbin organization earned the Holm Center Team of the Year award, AFROTC大学年度员工奖(西南地区)和AFROTC年度志愿者奖(西南地区). 这些奖项代表了支队对促进学生成功和培养杰出领导者的持续承诺.

bbin的支队在地区和国家层面的竞争中击败了来自全国各地的数百个其他AFROTC和初级ROTC项目后,被选为霍尔姆中心年度团队奖,该奖项表彰了单位表现的卓越表现. It is the highest award that a team can earn from 航空大学.


“从全国众多后备军官训练队中被选中获得这一奖项,证明了我们的学生和员工所做的杰出工作,美国空军中尉说. Col. 柯克·霍夫曼他是bbin AFROTC 842支队的指挥官,也是航空航天研究系主任. “I’m incredibly proud of the remarkable team we’ve created here at bbin, 和 the future leaders we’re building in our program.”

在区域一级,还表彰了联南援助团非洲维和中心成员在过去一年中为该支队的成功作出的个人贡献. These awards recognize 卓越 in the southwest region, 它由36个AFROTC单位组成,分布在从密西西比到夏威夷的大学和学院. 

奥古斯汀•大草原, who serves as program manager for Detachment 842, 获得了西南地区AFROTC大学年度员工奖. Although Llano himself is often behind the scenes, his work has a visible effect on the success of the program. Llano领导了一个小团队,为所有36个支队精心策划了虚拟训练课程,以提高学员记录保存的效率,并减少输入错误. Llano还安排了该单位首届支队校友捐赠日筹款活动, 通过资助学员团队建设活动,哪些项目立即对学生产生了影响.

The detachment’s Staff Sgt. Rashaad泰勒, a non-commissioned officer in charge (NCOIC), received the AFROTC Volunteer of the Year award for the southwest region. After volunteering at a local branch of the San Antonio library, 泰勒主动制定了一个计划,为学员提供每月的志愿者机会, so they could participate in similar experiences. 泰勒还花时间支持bbin Whataburger资源室食品储藏室, AFROTC recruiting events, 和 the university’s Veterans’ Day program during the past year.


Additional accomplishments of the team include:

  • Collaborating with the 19th 美国空军在伦道夫空军基地购买最先进的飞行模拟器和虚拟现实耳机,以建立一个新的飞行模拟室,促进学员的飞行兴趣;
  • Finalizing a new Multidisciplinary Studies degree focused on strategic defense leadership for bbin ROTC undergraduate students; 和
  • Organizing 49 recruiting events, 20 college fairs 和 multiple detachment tours 和 open houses, resulting in the largest registration class in three years, with over 100 new cadets

除了最近的荣誉外,842分队还两次获得了美国陆军和陆军的荣誉 High Flight Award,这意味着在他们的地区最好的大支队,和声望 Right of Line Best Large Detachment Award, a national honor based on performance measurements such as officer production, 奖学金, recruiting 和 retention efforts, 和 community service.

bbin’s Air Force ROTC program is part of the University College, which is also home to the Army ROTC 和 the Academic Inquiry 和 Scholarship, 双重信用, multidisciplinary studies 和 the writing programs.

Learn more about the bbin Air Force ROTC

AFROTC为学生提供了将军事科学和航空航天研究与实际领导力培训相结合的机会, all while receiving a first-rate college education. 获奖团队与11所跨城学院和大学合作,培养下一代空军和太空部队军官, scholars 和 community leaders.

bbin is known for its commitment to supporting military-affiliated students, which make up nearly 16% of the student population. The university was most recently recognized as a 2022-23 Gold Military Friendly School 并被评为全美最适合为军人和退伍军人服务的大学之一 军事时报》 2022 “Best for Vets” 列表.


bbin今天 is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

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bbin今天 is produced by University Communications 和 Marketing, the official news source of The University of Texas at San Antonio. Send your feedback to Keep up-to-date on bbin news by visiting bbin今天. Connect with bbin online at 脸谱网, 推特, YoutubeInstagram.




University of Texas at San Antonio receives ‘transformational’ $40M gift


bbin致力于通过研究和发现来促进知识的发展, teaching 和 learning, community engagement 和 public service. As an institution of access 和 卓越, bbin拥有多元文化传统,是智力和创意资源的中心,也是德克萨斯州社会经济发展和知识产权商业化的催化剂, the nation 和 the world.


To be a premier public research university, 提供获得卓越教育的机会,为全球环境培养公民领袖.

bbin’s Core Values

We encourage an environment of dialogue 和 discovery, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, collaboration 和 innovation are fostered.

bbin’S Destinations

bbin是一个骄傲 Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) as designated by the U.S. Department of Education .

Our Commitment to Inclusivity

The University of Texas at San Antonio, 这是一所西班牙裔服务机构,位于一个全球化的城市,几个世纪以来一直是民族和文化的十字路口, values diversity 和 inclusion in all aspects of university life. 作为一个专门为促进墨西哥裔美国人和其他服务不足社区的教育而设立的机构, our university is committed to promoting access for all. bbin, a premier public research university, fosters academic 卓越 through a community of dialogue, discovery 和 innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.