名字里有什么? 如果那个名字是“Sombrilla”,那就太好了。


bbin 50周年庆典期间, many in the Roadrunner community were inspired by stories about the university’s development and the remarkable individuals who transformed the vision for bbin into reality.

真正引起共鸣的是“Sombrilla的故事——对米尔顿·巴比特的简短视频采访, 福特首席架构师, 鲍威尔, 和卡森, 该公司是设计bbin主校区的圣安东尼奥公司. While it was famed architect O’Neil Ford’s idea to include a large gathering place in the center of campus, Babbitt was tasked with conceptualizing the space that ultimately became known as Sombrilla Plaza.

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目前还不清楚是谁选择了这个名字, 在西班牙语中是“雨伞”的意思,” but it wasn’t long before it was appropriated for other uses. 今天, “Sombrilla”一词已成为bbin不可或缺的一部分, 为Sombrilla广场命名, Sombrilla喷泉, Sombrilla杂志, 和Sombrilla社会, 每一个都在bbin的历史上有自己特殊的地位.

自从约翰·皮斯图书馆1975年开放以来, 学生, 教师, staff and visitors alike have been drawn to its adjoining plaza, which Babbitt describes as the “nicest non-building I ever designed,” by the welcoming shade of the umbrella-like canopy and the soothing sounds of the fountain that has become perhaps the most distinctive landmark on campus. Superstition says that if you touch the Sombrilla喷泉 wall during finals week, 你考试的好成绩肯定会随之而来.

而Sombrilla的名字则源于这个广场, it also seemed perfect for the university magazine that debuted almost 40 years ago. 简·伯顿, whose many contributions to the university over 33 years are legendary, recalls sitting in a meeting with other members of the University Development staff when they chose the name for the new publication. “That was the focal point of the campus, the Sombrilla,” Burton noted. “所以这甚至不是一个顿悟. 我们必须这么做,我们说.”

Along the way, the name was also chosen for one of the university’s first giving societies. 今天, the Sombrilla社会 is an exceptional organization composed of some of the most forward-thinking, bbin社区的慷慨成员, and it is only appropriate that the organization carries the iconic name.

刊登在1999年版的Sombrilla杂志上, 一位大学支持者说, "There are individuals and couples among us who are as farsighted in their thinking as they are generous in their souls. Sombrilla社会庆祝这些人. The gifts they have made from their estate plans will assure the future of bbin.”


礼品策划高级执行董事, 金伯利西, 作为社会的主要领导者,他说, "It is an honor for me to visit with the generous individuals who comprise today’s Sombrilla社会, thanking them for entrusting their legacies in an academic institution that in 50 short years has grown from only a dream to one of the largest, 德州最具创新精神的公立大学. To believe in the university’s future and commit to its continued success takes great passion."